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Can Black Seed Oil Help Hair Growth?

    Quick Summary: Black Seed Oil & Hair Growth

    Black Seed Oil for Hair: Emerging as a key player in natural hair care, black seed oil from the Nigella sativa plant offers a potential remedy for hair loss, backed by centuries of traditional use and recent scientific studies.

    Thymoquinone (TQ): The oil’s effectiveness is largely attributed to TQ, a chemical which helps balance the immune system, reduce inflammation, and protect against oxidative stress, contributing to a healthier scalp and hair.

    Research Insights: Clinical research supports black seed oil’s role in enhancing hair growth, showing it can significantly reduce hair fall, increase hair density, and soothe scalp psoriasis without side effects.

    Application Methods: Black seed oil can be applied directly to the scalp, used in hair masks, added to shampoos, or even incorporated into your diet for comprehensive benefits.

    Key Takeaway: While black seed oil stands out as a versatile, natural option for hair growth and health, it is important to consult healthcare professionals to ensure it fits your specific health needs and hair care goals.

    This article aims to shed light on black seed oil, focusing on its potential benefits for hair growth, the science behind its effectiveness, and practical tips for its use. Whether you’re new to the concept or seeking more detailed insights, our clinic will guide you through the key aspects of black seed oil as a potential solution for hair loss. 

    What Is Black Seed Oil? 

    Black seed oil comes from the Nigella Sativa plant, a treasure in the world of traditional remedies across diverse cultures with a rich history dating back over 2000 years. This oil, extracted from the plant’s black cumin seeds, is renowned for its diverse therapeutic properties. It has played a pivotal role in treating a variety of conditions affecting different systems of the body, including asthma, high blood pressure, and inflammation.1 Black seed oil is renowned not just for its internal benefits, but also for its external applications such as treating skin issues like blisters, eczema, and soothing swollen joints, thanks to its antiseptic and local anaesthetic properties.2

    black seed oil

    Black Seed Oil: A Natural Remedy for Hair Loss 

    Recently, black seed oil has emerged as a promising solution for those battling hair loss. What makes this natural oil so special is thymoquinone (TQ), its key active component.1

    TQ works by positively affecting our body in several key ways2,3,4

    • Balancing the Immune System: TQ keeps the immune system in check. It reduces scalp inflammation, which contributes to hair loss types like androgenetic alopecia, as well as preventing the overactivity of immune cells which contribute to hair loss in conditions like alopecia areata
    • Enhancing Antioxidant Protection: TQ boosts defence against oxidative stress – a common culprit behind damaged hair health, poor scalp condition, and hair follicles ageing (hence premature hair greying). 
    • Promoting Healthy Cells: It plays a role in keeping our cells healthy, helping to remove those that are damaged and defective.

    In simple terms, TQ helps keep your body’s internal health in tip-top shape, which is important for maintaining healthy hair and preventing hair loss. 

    The benefits of black seed oil aren’t confined to the scalp. Its influence on broader bodily functions, including anti-cancer properties and immune system modulation, could also indirectly benefit hair health.1 This underscores the interconnectedness of our body’s systems, where improving overall health can positively impact hair condition.  

    Research Highlights 

    Recent studies shed light on its impressive effects, showcasing why it’s praised for hair health. Here are the highlights:

    • Pauses Hair Fall: A study revealed that using a herbal hair oil blend with black seed oil and other natural extracts eliminated hair fall in participants completely in just 3 months.5
    • Boosts Hair Density: Research found that 70% of individuals with Telogen Effluvium experienced a reduction in hair thinning, attributed to black seed oil’s ability to prevent hair follicles from prematurely entering the resting phase, as well as soothing scalp inflammation.6
    • Soothes Scalp Psoriasis: For those battling chronic scalp psoriasis, a combination of Nigella Sativa extract ointment and oral treatment offered relief to 85% of participants, all without any side effects.7

    These findings underscore black seed oil’s role as a science-backed remedy for hair and scalp health, making it a promising addition to hair care routines.

    Understanding Hair Loss and How Black Seed Extract Can Help 

    Hair loss manifests in various forms. Here’s a brief overview of the main types of hair loss and how TQ, the active component in black seed oil, might offer a natural solution2,8:

    1. Androgenetic Alopecia: A condition linked to genetics, inflammation, and oxidative stress, where TQ’s anti-inflammatory and antioxidant actions can play an important role in soothing the scalp and potentially slowing hair loss.3
    1. Alopecia Areata: This autoimmune condition occurs when immune cells target hair follicles directly, destroying them. TQ helps by reducing overactivity of these immune cells, which in turn helps prevent destruction of hair follicles. 
    1. Telogen Effluvium: Often triggered by stress, illness, or trauma, this temporary type of hair loss causes hair follicles to enter their resting phases earlier. TQ supports scalp health, aiming to stabilise the hair cycle, and thus improving hair density and growth.6
    1. Tinea Capitis: Characterised by itchy, patchy hair loss due to a fungal infection, TQ’s antifungal properties can potentially provide relief and help in managing this condition.9
    1. Trichotillomania: Compulsive hair pulling due to stress or psychological factors. TQ’s potential in enhancing mood and reducing anxiety might indirectly benefit those facing this challenge.
    1. Anagen Effluvium: Rapid hair loss resulting from medical treatments, such as chemotherapy. TQ’s role in promoting the health and balance of our cells and immune system may aid in the recovery and regrowth of hair post-treatment.10

    Given its potential benefits, looking into black seed oil as a natural solution for hair loss seems promising. We’ll dive deeper into how to use it effectively in the upcoming sections.

    Are There Any Drawbacks to Using Black Seed Oil? 

    While black seed oil is beneficial in many ways, it’s natural to wonder if it has any downsides. The good news is that the oil is generally safe and effective for most people when used in reasonable amounts. So far, ongoing research shows that black seed oil has a low risk of side effects as it is non-toxic to our bodies and has a generous safe range of use.2 This means you’d have to use a lot more than the recommended amount before it might be harmful. 

    When you apply black seed oil directly to your scalp, it acts where it’s needed without generally affecting the rest of your body.

    black seed oil for hair

    Introducing Black Seed Oil Into Your Hair Care Routine

    Black seed extract is available in various medicinal forms, including pure oil, creams, and shampoos.11 Its versatility allows for easy incorporation into hair care routines. While the science is still catching up, years of traditional use and plenty of positive stories suggest a few methods you could use to introduce black seed oil into your hair care:

    Gentle Scalp Massage:

    • Create a soothing mix by adding a few drops of black seed oil to a carrier oil such as coconut, olive, or almond.
    • Massage this blend into your scalp for several minutes to stimulate blood circulation. 
    • Let it sit for 30 minutes or even overnight, then wash with a gentle shampoo. Aim for 2-3 times a week for the best results.

    Nourishing Hair Mask:

    • Whip up a nutritious mask by adding in black seed oil
    • Cover your hair and scalp with this mixture, relax for an hour, then rinse away with a gentle shampoo.
    • This once-a-week treat will deeply condition your hair.

    Modifying Your Shampoo or Conditioner:

    • Elevate your usual hair care products by mixing in a few drops of black seed oil.
    • Use as you normally would, letting the enhanced shampoo work for a few extra minutes before rinsing.

    Warm Oil Treatment:

    • For a deep-conditioning experience, warm a blend of black seed oil with your preferred carrier oil. Ensure it’s comfortably warm, not hot, to avoid scalp burns. 
    • Apply it to your scalp and hair, then cover with a shower cap and a warm towel to help the oil seep in well.
    • Leave it in for about 30 minutes and wash as usual. Once a week is perfect.

    Before diving into these treatments, ensure you run a patch test on your skin using black seed oil to check you are not allergic to it before using. If you’re facing significant hair challenges, a consultation with our team at The Treatment Rooms, or another healthcare provider such as a dermatologist could be a great next step. 

    Beyond external applications, consider enhancing your diet with black seed products.1,2
    This holistic approach not only supports overall health but also creates an ideal internal environment for healthy hair growth. Just remember, moderation is important, and it’s a good idea to talk with a healthcare provider to ensure black seed products are a good fit for your health needs.


    Black seed oil offers an exciting natural option for enhancing hair health, tackling everything from hair loss to scalp discomfort. Its long history and recent scientific support make it a choice for anyone looking to boost their hair’s health naturally. By weaving black seed oil into your hair care and diet, you might just find the key to thicker, stronger hair. Yet, it’s important to remember that what works for one person may not work for another, and it’s always wise to seek advice from a healthcare provider to customise your approach. 

    For those interested in exploring beyond black seed oil, our comprehensive blog on the best oils for hair growth is packed with valuable insights – click here to discover more from The Treatment Rooms and enrich your hair care journey.


    1. Khader M, Eckl PM. (2014). Thymoquinone: an emerging natural drug with a wide range of medical applications. Iranian journal of basic medical sciences, 17(12), 950–957. Available from: 
    2. Hannan MdA, Rahman MdA, Sohag AA, et al (2021) Black cumin (Nigella sativa L.): A comprehensive review on Phytochemistry, health benefits, molecular pharmacology, and safety. Nutrients 13:1784. doi: 10.3390/nu13061784. Available from: 
    3. Peyravian N, Deo S, Daunert S, Jimenez JJ. (2020). The Inflammatory Aspect of Male and Female Pattern Hair Loss. Journal of inflammation research, 13, 879–881. doi:10.2147/JIR.S275785. Available from:  
    4. Trüeb RM. (2021). Oxidative stress and its impact on skin, scalp and hair. International Journal of Cosmetic Science, 43 Suppl 1, S9–S13. 
    5. Taher M, Sheikh H. (2018). Formulation And Finding Out The Efficacy Of The Herbal Hair Oil Over Simple Coconut Oil (Purified) – A Formulation And Clinical Study In Bangladesh. doi:10.13040/IJPSR.0975-8232.5(5).1801-05. Available from:  
    6. Rossi A, Priolo L, Iorio A, et al (2013) Evaluation of a therapeutic alternative for Telogen Effluvium: A pilot study. Journal of Cosmetics, Dermatological Sciences and Applications 03:9–16. doi: 10.4236/jcdsa.2013.33a1002. Available From: 
    7. Ahmed JH, Ibraheem AY, Al-Hamdi KI. (2014). Evaluation of efficacy, safety and antioxidant effect of Nigella sativa in patients with psoriasis: A randomized clinical trial. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Investigations, 5(2), 186-193.    
    8. Phillips TG, Slomiany WP, Allison R (2017) Hair loss: Common causes and treatment. In: American Family Physician. Accessed 15 Mar 2024 
    9. Aljabre SHM, Alakloby OM, Randhawa MA (2015) Dermatological effects of Nigella sativa. Journal of Dermatology & Dermatologic Surgery 19:92–98. doi: 10.1016/j.jdds.2015.04.002. Available from:  
    10. Samarghandian S, Azimi‐Nezhad M, Farkhondeh T (2018) Thymoquinone‐induced antitumor and apoptosis in human lung adenocarcinoma cells. Journal of Cellular Physiology 234:10421–10431. doi: 10.1002/jcp.27710. Available from:  
    11. Eid AM, Elmarzugi NA, Abu Ayyash LM, et al (2017) A review on the cosmeceutical and external applications of Nigella Sativa. Journal of Tropical Medicine 2017:1–6. doi: 10.1155/2017/7092514. Available from:

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