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Hair Loss In The Shower- How Much Is Normal?

    Quick Summary: Hair Loss In The Shower

    Hair loss in the shower: is a common occurrence due to the natural hair growth cycle, with most shedding happening during the Exogen phase.

    Exacerbating factors for hair loss in the shower: Aging, nutritional deficiencies, hormonal changes, stress, underlying health conditions, and genetics.

    Preventative measures: Avoid over-shampooing and try and wash hair twice a week to maintain scalp health and minimise hair loss in the shower.

    Hair loss in the shower

    Losing 50 to 100 hairs after showering or throughout the day is normal1. This is a natural loss of hair according to the hair growth cycle. Shampooing your hair can increase the amount of hair you shed to between 100-250 hairs per day.

    Our hair cycle involves growth and expulsion of hairs over time in set phases known as Anagen (Active Growth Stage), Catagen (Transitional Stage), Telogen (Resting Stage) and Exogen.

    Once a hair has finished growing during Telogen, it normally detaches from the skin. Each hair undergoes this cycle independently, with most hairs falling out during Exogen2. An identically thick hair will replace it in time, as old makes way for new. 

    Due to our hair renewal process, this natural loss is especially noticeable during showering, as the scalp is rubbed during washing, brushing or styling. These hairs then accumulate in the drain.

    Hair loss

    While some degree of hair shedding is normal, excessive or sudden hair loss warrants medical evaluation. If you notice any of the following signs, it’s advisable to seek advice from a healthcare professional:

    • Significant Increase in Hair Shedding: If you observe a noticeable increase in the amount of hair loss during showering or other daily activities, it may indicate an underlying issue that requires investigation.
    • Patchy Hair Loss: Patchy or irregular hair loss, especially if accompanied by scalp redness, itching, or tenderness, may be indicative of conditions like alopecia areata or scalp infections3.
    • Hair Thinning or Bald Patches: Gradual thinning of the hair, particularly along the crown or temples, or the development of bald patches, may signify conditions like male or female pattern baldness (also known as “ androgenic alopecia”) which may benefit from early intervention.

    Factors that influence hair loss

    While some degree of hair shedding is considered normal, certain factors can influence the amount of hair loss experienced4.

    • Ageing: Our rate of hair growth slows down as we age, leading to thinner follicles that are more prone to shedding5.
    • Nutrition: Not providing hair with sufficient nutrients and calories to grow healthily in the scalp can cause loss. 
    • Seasonal Shedding: Many individuals experience increased hair shedding during certain seasons, particularly in the Autumn. This phenomenon is typically temporary and attributed to changes in daylight and temperature6.
    • Hormonal Changes: Hormonal fluctuations, such as those occurring during pregnancy, childbirth, or menopause, can affect the hair growth cycle and lead to temporary hair shedding. The hair cycle, and the structure of the hair follicle, are highly affected by various hormones particularly androgens. Similarly, hormonal imbalances caused by thyroid disorders or certain medications may contribute to increased hair loss7.
    • Stress: Chronic stress can disrupt the hair growth cycle and trigger a condition known as telogen effluvium, resulting in excessive shedding. The connection between stress and hair loss is well-documented, and managing stress through relaxation techniques and self-care may help mitigate hair loss associated with stress8.
    • Underlying Health Conditions: Certain medical conditions, such as alopecia areata, autoimmune disorders, and nutritional deficiencies, can contribute to hair loss.
    • Genetics: Your family history and genetics can also play a significant role, with some individuals predisposed to pattern baldness or other forms of hair loss.

    Key Takeaway: While some hair loss during showering is expected and normal, understanding when it crosses into concerning rate is crucial. Monitoring changes with photos and consulting professionals can help maintain healthy hair and address any issues effectively.

    Preventing hair loss in the shower

    It’s important to wash your hair as this cleans the scalp and hair of dirt and debris. Over-shampooing your hair can worsen hair loss as you shed more hair on a daily basis by doing so.

    We recommend shampooing your hair twice a week to keep your scalp and hair healthy and minimise the amount of hair loss you see in the shower.

    When to consider a Hair Transplant for hair loss

    In the context of hair loss, hair transplant surgery is a treatment option for individuals experiencing significant hair loss or baldness. 

    During the procedure, hair follicles are harvested from a donor area, typically on the back or sides of the scalp, and transplanted into the balding or thinning areas. This can include a hair transplant for a hairline or a crown.

    While hair transplants can be an effective solution for restoring hair in certain areas, they may not be suitable for everyone, and it is essential to discuss the risks and benefits with a qualified hair loss specialist9.


    1. Hair loss – NHS (
    2. Alonso, L. & Fuchs, E. (2006) ‘The hair cycle’, Journal of Cell Science, 119(3), pp. 391-393. Available at: 
    3. British Association of Dermatologists. Alopecia.
    4. Lin, R. L., Garibyan, L., Kimball, A. B. & Drake, L. A. (2016) ‘Systemic causes of hair loss’, Annals of Medicine (Helsinki), 48(6), pp. 393-402. Available at: 
    5. Rossi, A., Cantisani, C., Melis, L., Iorio, A., Scali, E., Calvieri, S., & Carlesimo, M. (2016) ‘Minoxidil use in dermatology, side effects and recent patents’, Recent Patents on Inflammation & Allergy Drug Discovery, 10(2), pp. 130-136. Available at: 
    6. Kunz, M., Seifert, B. & Trüeb, R. M. (2009) ‘Seasonality of hair shedding in healthy women complaining of hair loss’, Dermatology (Basel), 219(2), pp. 105-110. Available at: 
    7. Grymowicz, M., Rudnicka, E., Podfigurna, A., Napierala, P., Smolarczyk, R., Smolarczyk, K. & Meczekalski, B. (2020) ‘Hormonal effects on hair follicles’, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21(15), pp. 5342. Available at: 
    8. Harvard Health Publishing. (2018) Stress and Hair Loss: What’s the Connection?
    9. International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery

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