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UK Hair Transplants

UK Hair Transplants– why is the UK one of the best places in the world to have your FUE hair transplant? This blog helps to explain some of the reasons why.

Medical Tourism

Medical tourism is a term used to describe people going abroad to have a medical or surgical treatment. It has always existed and in many ways is a good thing. In some countries some treatments may simply be unavailable. Medical tourism therefore opens doors for patients to go and seek treatment from a Surgeon or Doctor who is practicing in a different country.

Modern Day Medical Tourism

However, with the rise of social media and posting of before and after pictures, medical tourism has showed an ugly side. Some clinics are now able to aggressively advertise treatments attracting people from abroad for low cost treatments. In many cases these treatments are cheap because the clinic is cutting corners in the quality of care. This may include not even having a qualified Doctor or Surgeon carry out the treatment, (1,2). This really does put patients at risk. The worldwide press was shocked to hear about Leah Cambridge who died from going to Turkey to have her cosmetic surgery. The lure of cheap treatment can be enticing but should not trump quality of care.

Medical Tourism and Hair Transplants

For hair transplants, clinics offering cheap hair transplants often combine the treatment with the following advertisements:

In the UK, hair transplant clinics are bound by the Advertising Standards Authority. The ASA puts a framework in place whereby clinics cannot advertise false claims or incentivise patients to undergo a medical treatment- including having a hair transplant. This means patients are given the time to reflect on whether a UK hair transplant clinic is suited to them. It also gives patients a chance to objectively assess a hair transplant clinic and surgeon on their expertise and experience in performing the surgery. There are no “add-ons” like those listed above to cloud a patient’s judgement.

Ultimately, a patient should judge a hair transplant clinic and surgeon on the following baseline criteria:

  • The licensing and regulation of the clinic and surgeon
  • Trust in the surgeon and their experience around managing hair loss not just hair transplantation

UK Hair Transplant Clinics

There are many UK hair transplant clinics like The Treatment Rooms London. These clinics, like ours, should be:

  1. Registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC)
  2. Only employ licensed Doctors and Surgeons who are registered with the General Medical Council (GMC)

There are over 100 UK hair transplant clinics and some may not fulfil the two stipulations above. It is always important to double check the clinic. Feel free to go onto both the CQC and GMC websites to search for the clinic.

  1. CQC
  2. GMC

The Treatment Rooms, London is listed on the CQC’s website.

The UK healthcare system has always put patients at the centre of care quality. The country has frameworks and legislation in place to ensure that safe and quality care is provided in any clinic. This means that as a patient you can expect your clinic and its surgeons to act professionally and provide objective advice to your concerns.

UK hair transplant clinics are considered the elite for a reason. They have been set up under a British medical system geared to ensure safe and quality care for patients. Doctors and Surgeons often lead their patient’s care, providing direct one to one care. This will ultimately benefit a patient in the following ways:

  • The patient can ask questions about his or her procedure at any time directly to the person in charge of their care
  • The Doctor or Surgeon can check the quality of grafts- making sure everything is being done to ensure the patient’s best outcome
  • Better aftercare management, as the Doctor or Surgeon have been directly present during the transplant- noting any difficulties or problems that may have occurred

Choosing a UK Hair Transplant Clinic

If you live in the UK, choosing a UK hair transplant clinic is an easier decision. As you may know already, hair transplant surgery is a long day and being able to go back home to rest afterwards is important.

Secondly, as a transplant involves surgery, there can be side effects and complications. You will want to see or touch base with your Surgeon at your convenience. Not only will this mean your mind is put at ease but also any treatment that is needed can be started immediately. This is obviously very difficult if you have had your transplant abroad.

The Treatment Rooms London, A UK Hair Transplant Clinic

The Treatment Rooms London is South London’s First Hair Transplant Clinic. We take pride in seeing our patients one to one. We cut no corners when developing holistic, personalised hair treatment plans. These plans should always take into account your current and predicted hair loss.

Without factoring in how you will continue to lose hair, a definitive treatment like a hair transplant can be futile. Hair transplant clinics abroad may advertise a one-stop-shop for all hair transplants. However, you need careful planning before undergoing the procedure. We have seen too many gentleman coming from abroad having had a bad hair transplant. Their experiences can be frightening with poor surgical technique, over-harvesting of hair and lack of hair loss planning for the future. What if you continue to lose hair behind your hair transplant? It will ultimately render your hair transplant useless and you may find yourself back to square one.

If you needed more advice about your hair loss or about hair transplants in general our Doctors and Surgeons would love to see you. Book yourself a consultation at The Treatment Rooms London.

Read more


  6. 5 considerations before having a hair transplant – Treatment Rooms London
  7. Are hair transplants dangerous – Treatment Rooms London

Authored by

Hair Transplant Surgeon Dr Roshan Vara

Dr Roshan Vara

Full Medical Member of the British Association of Hair Restoration Surgery (BAHRS) Associate Member of International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS)

GMC Registered - 7458409

Reviewed by

Hair Transplant Surgeon Dr Dilan Fernando

Dr Dilan Fernando

Royal College of Surgeons

Full Medical Member of the British Association of Hair Restoration Surgery (BAHRS) Associate Member of International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS)

GMC Registered - 7458157

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