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Analysing Kyle Walker’s Hair Transplant

    When you’ve played for high-performing teams including Sheffield United, Manchester City, Tottenham Hotspur and the England team in the 2018 World Cup, it’s no wonder that such demands take a toll on your body. Kyle Walker has been playing football at high levels since he was a teenager, and while his time on the pitch has paid off with a great career, the stress and pressures of playing so hard at such a high level started to show – particularly on his hairline.

    The Manchester City right-back has long been seen with his dark curls and sharp hairstyles, but in 2019 fans started to notice his hair was thinning in patches. The thinning was particularly noticeable on the crown of his head. Fans speculated that the hair loss seen could be a result of telogen effluvium, also known as stress-related hair loss and shedding.

    Whether it was the result of sudden stress or just that he was hitting the age where hair loss happens more commonly for men (up to 25% of men in this age bracket report some hair loss or thinning), Kyle was definitely experiencing rapid and obvious hair loss. This is something that no man wants to go through, but especially one in the public eye.

    Walker was soon spotted with a completely shaved head after the patchiness of his hair was apparent. While many men opt for a shaved head to hide thinning, which is often more obvious when hair is present, it’s also possible he underwent a hair transplant and shaved his head as part of the procedure, as well as to make the results look more natural when growth starts coming through.

    Has Kyle Walker Had a FUE Hair Transplant?

    Shaving of the whole head is common in men who undergo an FUE hair transplant. FUE, or follicular unit extraction, is the most advanced hair transplant surgery available and has been chosen by many other high-end football players including Wayne Rooney and David Silva. The surgery is a great choice as it is conducted entirely under local anaesthetic, making recovery quicker and a same-day discharge for the patient possible. It also uses hair from the patient, ensuring a perfect match and the most natural-looking hair transplant results.

    Hair follicles are taken from areas of the scalp which are unaffected by thinning – this is usually around the base of the head or around the ears. The individual follicles are removed and carefully implanted into the affected areas, where they embed and grow through to cover the area. Patients will start to see results within 3-4 months, with full results and new hairlines visible in 12 months.

    Walker’s days of patchy hair are over, and whether he has recovered from the stress that caused the initial shedding or has undergone an FUE hair transplant, it is difficult to know. If you feel you are in a similar situation to Kyle, feel free to contact us today to explore your hair loss and hair transplant options.

    For more information on the costs associated with an FUE hair transplant, take a look at our dedicated hair transplant cost page or, for a more tailored quote, take a look at our hair graft calculator.

    If you are interested in a FUE Hair transplant, contact us today, or call us on 020 8706 0076 to find out more.

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