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Do Hair Transplants Work & Will I Need A Second Hair Transplant?

Whilst FUE hair transplants can be a long-term treatment for hair loss, some patients may require an additional hair transplant later on down the line due to the nature of hair loss and the different areas that people lose hair in at different times in their lives. 

In this article, we will be exploring why FUE hair transplants are an effective treatment and why second hair transplants may be needed for some patients.

Do hair transplants work?

Utilising the latest technological advancements and improved surgical techniques, FUE hair transplants provide results that can leave the patient with natural-looking hair. 

FUE hair transplants are a less invasive procedure than that of its FUT counterpart, and they also ensure that there is minimal scarring with a quick recovery time. Plenty of patient reviews show that hair transplants do work, but this can all depend on how qualified and experienced the surgeon is. 

Hair loss in men begins to speed up in their early thirties and then typically slows down to a more manageable rate. Hair transplant surgery can permanently give hair back in a region that has lost it. By monitoring the hair loss, your surgeon will be able to recommend the best time to have a transplant and guarantee the best results for longer. The main reason behind this is that you don’t want your hair to continue falling out after having a hair transplant, leaving you a permanent zone of transplanted hair and then no hair behind or surrounding it.

Some people may find that even with an excellent FUE hair transplant, they begin to experience thinning in other areas of the scalp due to hair loss occurring at different locations on the scalp at different times in one’s life. If this happens, having a second hair transplant procedure is an option, although you will need to consider how much of your donor hair you can use.

How long does a hair transplant last?

When a hair transplant is done right, it can last 10-20 years, and often a lifetime, thanks to the type of hair used and the precise nature of FUE. But if you think you are in need of another hair transplant, always consult an expert surgeon, such as the team here at The Treatment Rooms London. We can guide you through the options available and help you manage hair loss in a variety of ways.

Will I need a second hair transplant?

Patients often seek a second transplant in the following circumstances:

  • They lose more hair behind or surrounding a previous transplant
  • They don’t achieve the result they wanted after their first transplant
  • They develop a scar in a region from trauma or surgery and would like to conceal the area with a hair transplant
  • As part of a planned 2-3 stage process for their hair transplant if they are very bald

As hair loss is the main reason most people choose to have a hair transplant, many patients are understandably concerned that their hair loss may come back or continue. A good surgeon will be able to advise you on when is the best time to have a hair transplant, including how fast the hair loss is occurring, and whether you may need to delay having a hair transplant. There are in fact better times than others to have a hair transplant which your surgeon will discuss with you during your consultation.

When you have your first FUE transplant, your care team will be able to recommend non-surgical hair loss treatments like Minoxidil and Finasteride that help combat any further hair loss and maintain a more consistent look. 

second hair transplant
This gentleman had his first hair transplant in another clinic which resulted in sparse, poor growth (top picture). He came to our clinic looking for a repair with more added density. Our Surgeons were able to perform his second transplant with a good outcome (bottom picture)

Second hair transplant surgery

A second hair transplant can be a viable option for some patients, especially those who are experiencing continuous hair loss even after the first transplant. However, a span of 3-10 years should pass before a second one becomes necessary (if not planned already). If patients require a second hair transplant, we recommend waiting at least 12 months in between procedures to let the initial results from the first hair transplant show.

Corrective DHI hair transplant surgery hairline before and after
This gentleman underwent his second hair transplant, specifically a repair procedure in our clinic 12 months after having his first hair transplant in another clinic

Will a second hair transplant leave scars?

Like all hair transplant procedures, scarring will always happen after surgery. However, FUE is the least invasive procedure and therefore only leaves minimal “dot-like” hair transplant scars.

The results speak for themselves as patients experience minimal visible scarring after a week or so. Once the scalp is fully healed, scarring should appear minimal.

It can be common practice for patients to receive a second FUE hair transplant procedure. In fact, hair transplants can be replicated on the same patient (although it is not common) for up to 2-3 times. The second procedure process will be almost identical to the first and will leave scarring. Careful planning by your Surgeon should account for this and if possible scarring should not be visible once you have grown your hair to a certain length.

Second hair transplant results

FUE hair transplants are one of the most successful, natural-looking, long-term hair treatments available today. The success rates are very high when performed correctly on the right hair transplant candidate. It is only on some occasions when a patient will need a second hair transplant, and this is usually due to either correcting the initial transplant or to restore any hair that continues to recede after the first transplant. 

Reputable clinics, like The Treatment Rooms London, will advise patients to not go above the two hair transplant threshold as there is often no need.

Before and after hair transplant
This gentleman had 2 hair transplant procedures in our clinic, with his second 16 months after his first. He required 2 sessions of surgery due to the extent of his balding.

Similar to the first transplant, a patient will start to see long lasting results after 12 months, with the first 2 weeks being crucial for the follicles to fully take root provided you have followed the correct hair transplant aftercare and recovery steps. 

If you’re considering getting a second hair transplant and are in need of expert advice, please book a consultation with one of our specialist surgeons. We will go through all of the options with you and decide whether you’re in need of a second hair transplant together.

Authored by

Hair Transplant Surgeon Dr Roshan Vara

Dr Roshan Vara

Full Medical Member of the British Association of Hair Restoration Surgery (BAHRS) Associate Member of International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS)

GMC Registered - 7458409

Reviewed by

Hair Transplant Surgeon Dr Dilan Fernando

Dr Dilan Fernando

Royal College of Surgeons

Full Medical Member of the British Association of Hair Restoration Surgery (BAHRS) Associate Member of International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS)

GMC Registered - 7458157

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