The best age patients should be considering hair transplant surgery is when they are between 30-45. The most common age patients have surgery tends to be when they have turned 30 or older.
Patients younger than 30 ought to consider hair loss medications first to stabilise their hair loss before considering surgery like an FUE hair transplant. This is because there is a risk that younger patients continue to lose hair after having a hair transplant, making hair look patchy when a patient ages.
A hair transplant should only be considered in a patient who’s hair loss has stabilised or stopped. Hair loss stabilises as you age or if you take medications like Finasteride or Minoxidil. You can contact a professional hair transplant clinic, like The Treatment Rooms London, to gain some useful insight into hair loss experienced at any age, our Surgeons should be able to advise as to the best course of action for your situation.
After the age of 30, most people have gone through some element of hair loss and then stabilised at that point. It is at that point that these people are very good candidates for surgery.
Dr Dilan Fernando, Hair Transplant Surgeon and Director at The Treatment Rooms London
What is the best age for a hair transplant?
There is no right or wrong answer to this question as it typically depends on the individual. Your circumstances may differ from someone else’s, and you may require a hair transplant earlier than they do.
To ensure that your hair loss pattern is fully determined, it is advised that you wait for your procedure until you are 30 years old. Up until you have your hair transplant procedure, it is important to note that it can help you to use non-surgical treatments, as mentioned previously, to prevent any more chances of hair loss.
The gentleman below stabilised his hair loss using non-surgical treatments so that when he underwent hair transplant surgery, he knew it would last him a long time.
At what age can you get a hair transplant?
At The Treatment Rooms London, we advise patients to wait until the age of 30 before undergoing a hair transplant, but this advice can vary for individual patients and their requirements. The important thing to note is that patients who do explore surgery should have stabilised their hair loss at that moment in time. Hair transplant procedures give patients hair where they have balded or thinned in and this can potentially be permanent. If patients continue to lose hair they will be left with areas of hair transplant surgery and consequently no hair in other areas.
Generally as patients approach the age of 30 their hair loss can slow and be more predictable and that is the age that we recommend hair transplant surgery be considered.
It is important to note how life-changing a hair transplant procedure can be, so you should always explore every other avenue that you can before opting for surgery straight away. No matter how big or small a surgery may be, it is a serious commitment, and a lot of thought should go into it before making your decision.
Hair loss in your 20s
We see many men who are losing their hair in their 20s here at The Treatment Rooms London. Hair loss in men is often caused by dihydrotestosterone in a condition called androgenic alopecia (male pattern baldness) with issues such as stress making the condition worse. You may be surprised to know that male pattern baldness affects around 50% of all men, so you shouldn’t feel disheartened as it is fairly common. In terms of age, it can start as early as your late teens up until early adulthood.
As we grow older, it is natural for our hair to thin and fall out. It can affect some people more than others, and it is important that if you are suffering from hair loss you reach out to your GP to help manage it with medications.
In the video below you will see in detail how hair loss happens in most men.
How to prevent hair loss in your 20s
If you are younger than 30 years old, you should explore non-surgical hair loss treatment options such as Minoxidil and Finasteride. If you aged in your 20s, these might be advised by your hair transplant specialist to help slow down the rate of hair loss until such time that you are ready to have hair transplant surgery.
If non-surgical treatments don’t work, then you may be able to explore the option of a surgical procedure. Hair transplants may sound quite daunting, but you will find our Surgeons will help guide you through the process so you make the right decision. The recovery time is usually a matter of 1-2 weeks, and at The Treatment Rooms London we aim to hold your hand every step of the way, ensuring a speedy hair transplant aftercare process.
What happens during an FUE hair transplant?
Follicular Unit Excision (FUE) is one of the most popular methods of hair transplant. Typically, it is a minimally invasive procedure with less noticeable hair transplant scarring, and the recovery process is manageable if you take the correct precautions. The process is precise as your surgeon will extract hair follicles from donor areas usually found on the back or sides of your head and will then transfer them to areas where you are thinning to match natural hair direction and angulation.

What happens if you get a hair transplant too young?
Although you might be in a rush to get a hair transplant, you should be aware that this can come with some risks if you are having your procedure at a young age. You could end up with patchy results as you grow older because it can be harder for your surgeon to distinguish a balding pattern and determine how your hair will recede. As you age, hair loss might occur in other areas which may require a second hair transplant at a later date.
If your confidence has taken a knock due to your hair loss at a young age, it can be difficult to come to terms with. However, it is always advised that you explore all non-surgical options available and consult a hair loss specialist to help advise as to the best course of action moving forward.
Can you be too old to get a hair transplant?
It is important to know when the right time is to get a hair transplant. If you leave your transplant too long, then you are increasing your risk of not being able to treat your hair loss as it might be too advanced.
Can you get a hair transplant if you have grey hair?
Patients often ask us if they can have a hair transplant if they have grey hair. This is indeed possible and does not affect the success or quality of the hair transplant.

Can you have a hair donated from another person?
You may question if you can use donated follicles from other people’s bodies, but unfortunately, this does not work as your body will reject any DNA that is not it’s own. If you want your transplant to be subtle, then it is crucial that you time your transplant right, and with the help of experienced hair transplant consultants, you’ll be able to make informed decisions as to when this might be.

How The Treatment Rooms London can help
If you’re struggling with hair loss at any age, then get in touch today. Our surgeons are on hand to talk you through your options, advising you as to the best course of action be it surgical or non-surgical. Why not take a look at our hair graft calculator that will give you an idea as to how many grafts you may need and cross-reference it with our hair transplant cost guide for more information.
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